Hello avid GIS'ers,
This post is all about the culminating exercise of the this Semester in Intro to GIS. The final project for the class had me acting as a budding GIS analyst for the UWF GIS Group, recently hired by Florida Power and Light to conduct analysis on a newly proposed power transmission line corridor. Now this corridor was actually erected and put into service years ago. But it provided an excellent backdrop for skills learned throughout the course to be honed and demonstrated. This project utilized three phases, a Background or information gathering phase, an Analysis phase whereby the background data was used to derive various conclusions about the transmission line and surrounding area, and a Presentation phase. This post comes at the end of that presentation phase. My finalized Power Point (Yay death by PP...its not that bad...) presentation and my Slide by Slide commentary are both linked below detailing the project.
This post is kept relatively short as most of the other posts go into specific maps and a brief synopsis of them. However all of that is contained within the links here. Would you like to know more...? Simply click:
Project Presentation (Power Point has been transformed to PDF for space saving)
Slide by Slide Breakdown
Overall most of the processes for each objective discussed in the presentation seem relatively easy (even if sometimes time consuming) looking back on them. This is most likely attributed to the excellent process of guiding students through this program. Kudos goes to the UWF Instructor for the foundation of GIS knowledge imparted. Thank you Mrs Bloechle. And of course where would an instructor be without an Aid, thank you Ms Krolikowski.
Further it is amazing to look back on the beginning weeks and how little I knew about GIS, and how little fashion sense I had toward it. I probably still don't have much, but its an improvement. Thank you for joining and continue to find my work as the program continues.
This post is all about the culminating exercise of the this Semester in Intro to GIS. The final project for the class had me acting as a budding GIS analyst for the UWF GIS Group, recently hired by Florida Power and Light to conduct analysis on a newly proposed power transmission line corridor. Now this corridor was actually erected and put into service years ago. But it provided an excellent backdrop for skills learned throughout the course to be honed and demonstrated. This project utilized three phases, a Background or information gathering phase, an Analysis phase whereby the background data was used to derive various conclusions about the transmission line and surrounding area, and a Presentation phase. This post comes at the end of that presentation phase. My finalized Power Point (Yay death by PP...its not that bad...) presentation and my Slide by Slide commentary are both linked below detailing the project.
This post is kept relatively short as most of the other posts go into specific maps and a brief synopsis of them. However all of that is contained within the links here. Would you like to know more...? Simply click:
Project Presentation (Power Point has been transformed to PDF for space saving)
Slide by Slide Breakdown
Overall most of the processes for each objective discussed in the presentation seem relatively easy (even if sometimes time consuming) looking back on them. This is most likely attributed to the excellent process of guiding students through this program. Kudos goes to the UWF Instructor for the foundation of GIS knowledge imparted. Thank you Mrs Bloechle. And of course where would an instructor be without an Aid, thank you Ms Krolikowski.
Further it is amazing to look back on the beginning weeks and how little I knew about GIS, and how little fashion sense I had toward it. I probably still don't have much, but its an improvement. Thank you for joining and continue to find my work as the program continues.
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