Friday, May 15, 2015

Python and ArcGIS

     Welcome to the inaugural post for my GIS Programming class. This is the first week of the new semester and focused on an introduction to the program that we will be using throughout the rest of the semester. Python. Python scripting and programming will be the focus of the semester and learning how to utilize this language to make certain tasks within ArcGIS easier and faster. The main things introduced this week were Pythons default interactive window called IDLE, and the default interactive window we will use throughout the semester, PythonWin. PythonWin is an interface to allow you to write, check, and experiment with scripting in python. We also saw an intro into how ArcGIS has its own built in interactive python script editor. The key task this week was to take an existing script and run it for the desired result. In this case, I used the instructor provided script to create a folder hierarchy for every module in the course. You can see this below.

Above is a simple screen shot of the open PythonWin window and the results of the script having been run. You can see in the interactive window reads "Process Complete" which was done by design of the script.
This weeks process was very straight forward and called for three particular steps. First, look at the code to gain some experience seeing python scripting. Then run the code, which was done by hitting Ctrl + R while having the PythonWin window selected. Finally, examine the results to ensure the code worked as advertised.
This was a good intro into just seeing various interactive windows that I can work with Python in, and how some of them are already tailored to ArcGIS. This should be an excellent class on how Python can enhance ArcGIS work. Stay tuned as I continue to work with python, hopefully not feeling the squeeze to much as we get more in depth. Thank you. 

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