Monday, June 8, 2015

GIS Programming: Participation and Python in the Virtual/Real World

Greetings all,
       This post is dedicated to a participation based assignment for the Programming class. It essentially required me to do some research on GIS, Mapping, Python uses and application out in the wide world and share with the class. When doing this research on Python for this participatory assignment I really wanted find something very forward thinking. Also, coming off the end of last semester I still had the last and some of the most interesting labs still on my mind. They referenced 3D mapping using ArcScene, Arc Globe, Google Earth and the like. Its hard to think of mapping applications that are more forward thinking than the continued evolution of 3D mapping environments. I came across a particularly interesting blog to satisfy the requirements of this first assignment. The posting is from Google's Geo Developers Blog referencing the beginning of a relatively new facet of Python applications that came about toward the end of 2011 to beginning of 2012. This application is called pyKML. Its a Python library that is specifically designed to add Python scripting functionality to work with KML files utilized in the previously mentioned 3D environments. Its interesting to note that the blog post linked here really hits on everything we have just gone over the past few weeks of this course. the basics from the iconic "Hello World" to discussions on looping and branching. It is these simple facets of Python that the creator wanted to bring to KML processing. It is still evolving today. the link also provides further links to many available resources, explanations, and applications involving pyKML. I don't know that we would ever get into something this in depth in this kind of course, however it is nice to know that as far as you can go with mapping and cartography there is likely a Python script to make your life easier. 
        On a side note to the actual assignment, but of interest along the same lines. Whats after 3D... thats right 4D. The completely immersive environment. Some of you may have heard of the new Oculus Rift technology still largely in development. Its a virtual reality engine essentially. I found a Youtube video which can fall somewhat in line with the assignment of sharing Python and how its affecting new and upcoming technologies and world applications. Imagine adjusting a Python code to modify your environment in your own virtual world. Thats what the video below is all about. Please view if interested and understand that it doesn't have any bearing on the portion above. And for anyone else needing a good jumping off point about Python applications in the world please visit here. Its Reddits dedicated Python page. Thank you.



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